As I sink quietly into my creaky office chair (as to not wake the sleeping darling next wall over), I am filled with relief. For me, blogging has become a well-worn sweatshirt (you know the one with the hole in the armpit?) It's how I wrap myself in comfort, how I let go and just be me.
In case you haven't noticed, "being me" involves a great deal of talking about myself. Thank the lord some of you think its interesting enough to read about. Before blogging I engaged in a lot more "Me Me Me" conversations in real life. In an effort to connect and share with others, I often try to tell stories about my own life. Some have told me it makes me appear selfish or attention seeking. Both of those I fully admit to, but the "sharing" was more of an effort to connect than to brag, boast, what have you.
This little space of mine lets me share without worry that I am "over-doing it" or trying too hard. If folks aren't interested, more entertaining material is just a click away, without having to worry about hurting my feelings.
Oh Sippy Cup, I love you. I cherish you and boy have I missed you!!!
In an effort to stay sane while my computer was enjoying some down time (aka broke-city) I did what all normal people do....I blogged in my head.
After an afternoon of trying to shop for new jeans with a toddler in tow, I mentally blogged about HOW RIDICULOUS it was for me to attempt such an adventure. Luckily for the mortally offended woman who's dressing room Noah decided to invade, I have had some time to cool down as to not totally go off on her. At the time I took a picture of her feet with my phone so I could post about what a complete a-hole she was.
Other mental post topics have included:
- Dear Hand Written Thank You Notes, You are Stupid and Archaic
- The Never Ending Laundry (like the Never Ending Story without the cool flying dog-thing)
- WTF, Why Won't It Stop Raining?
- Noah + Sharpie on the Wall = More Chardonnay for Mommy
There are others, but I wrote some of them on a post-it and for the life of me I can't decipher them. Maybe it's better they weren't posted about anyway. I think some were those middle-of- the night, "Oh this will be an AWESOME topic!" and then in the morning you think "I must have been on crack."
For what it's worth, I am back. And feeling so happy to be so. Off to check out what's going on with you all.
woo hoo, you're back!
I am so glad that you are back. I loved how you described blogging, a nice warm sweat shirt.
I'm always glad when you're back. Please post the photo of the mean bitch's feet :) lol
Sounds like you've had an adventurous weekend. Next time I'm in the area, I'll stop for a visit (maybe with more tacos and spanish rice), and I will come bearing Mr Clean Magic Erasers
Great post.
yes, blogging is my comfort too!
LOL Glad you were able to stay sane while away.
I'm starting to plan how i will blog next week while off work. See I don't have a computer at home so i do all my blogging at work. I'm not sure I can make it a week without blogging.....or killing someone because I can't
lol...shopping with a tot! Stink ran out of the dressing room on me a few times while out shopping, crawled under the stalls, and then proceded to throw a fit in the middle of the store. All than meant was no new jeans for me. Plus a huge headache. Ugh.
Love reading about you--my blog is also self centered, though I try not to always be so consumed. But, like you said, someone else's life is a click away if one is bored with mine!
Yay! You are back! I can understand how you feel about blogging..I am new to this world, but already, I love it. It is my only way to connect with people from the comfort of my home. Plus, I am new to the area I live in, and have yet to meet a lot of friends.
As for Noah and the dressing room, I couldn't help but laugh. Sweet little guy just wanted to see who was next store. I don't see what all the fuss was about, he is a baby, not a 13 year old boy.
Glad you are back, enjoy your honest cup of tea and your cozy raggedy sweater! You were missed.
I do the same thing as far as trying to relate to people through my personal experiences and only recently realized to some people it comes off as being self-centered which is totally not my intent. And as a remedy? Yeah, I blog.
I also have a wallet full of index cards of "brilliant" ideas. But when I go back to them, I have no idea why I thought that was blog-worthy.
Welcome back!
so happy to have you back....I have missed you...and your stories...and showin your google ads a lot of clicky love...
haha you are hilarious!
but a sharpie on the wall?! did you try Mr. Clean magic erasers?
yay, yay, yay! i missed you!
Woooo hoooo! I have missed the hell out of you!!! :) Welcome back!!!
hilariou s- I think of posts before I go to sleep and then forget everything when I wake up. They always sound so wonderful in my sleepy head
I write blog posts in my head too. Of course I always forget them later.
Clothes shopping with a toddler = torture!
Glad to see you back... I can't wait for those posts, cause they sound CRAZY!!! OMG, toddler + sharpie = WOAH. Shopping with a toddler, ugh, never fun. Hope you're well!!!!
Great post and, boy, can I relate!
I hope you pay me a visit on Monday for my 100th post celebration. I plan to do a Blog Jog, my attempt to visit 100 blogs in a single day. Fingers crossed!
I'm so glad you are back. I've been having computer issues. Too. I hope those sticky notes in your head become more clear so we can see in more detail what we missed. :)
So glad you are back from the computer break-down and so glad you got to go on your weekend!
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