If you were hoping for a post about that hot guy from the titled show, I totally apologize. What you get instead is a little update on the much needed weekend HH and I spent together.
If you are a SAHM like me, I am sure you can understand when I say that being at home all week can sometimes feel like prison. Like inmates, I get scheduled outings (in between naps) to go to the grocery store, dry cleaning, park, etc. If it's a REALLY tough day I get a special pass (aka, Noah misses a nap) and then I spend way too much money at Target or Borders. Yes, there are magical mommy moments of unicorns and fairies and all that jazz, however, much of the the week still feels like The Grind (and I am not referring to that MTV show with all the fun dancing).
It's been especially tough lately because HH is working late hours again. I basically have Noah from 7 to 7 and have hit the wall by around 5pm. I am in bed by 8:30 and we have barely spoken to each other all day. On top of this, when HH is home on the weekend, he would like to catch up on stuff he can't do during the week. This leads to much whining from me about how I would LIKE A BREAK too from my job (child rearing) and enjoy a few hours off. I have been doing A LOT of whining lately.
After a day of tears from Noah, which lead to tears from me, the sweet HH asked me," What can I do to help you?" I said, "I would sell my right arm for a toddler-free weekend." Luckily, I didn't have to sell any body parts, and we ended up giving each other a weekend stay at the beach to celebrate post-Valentine's Day. My parents were so awesome and came all the way from AZ to watch Noah while Bri and I got some "play" time in. We slept in, drank wine, ate sushi, went dancing and played with our friends. It was fantastic.
I sometimes forget what life was like pre-toddler. I can't say I would trade places, but it was so nice to just be "us" for a few days. It should certainly decrease my whining....at least for a month or two.
nice photoshop work there. Sounds like a nice getaway. I hope you brought something nice home for your parents.
Love the beer in the picture. =) Romantic.
I miss those days too!
Sounds like a fantastic weekend!
It sounds like you had a much needed break from the mom role. Got to love when the parents steps in at allow you to be your fun "pre toddler mom" self!
Congrats on your mini break!
Oh I so heart your right now. Being a new Mom, and I quickly coming to the realization that it sort of IS like jail. Pre children you have this pretty picture of staying home, baking cookies, playing with the baby and having dinner ready for the hubby. In real life? Yeah it's like a never ending mad dash to try and catch your sanity, with a baby screaming along with you and lots of TV dinners. And cookies? Maybe the oreos you had for breakfast the last 3 days.....
As I write this, the baby is waking up screaming, so off I go! Thanks for the post, I love it! Makes me feel more normal.
I hear you loud and clear, seriously. Can't you move next door to me?????????
Hey everyone needs a get away...filled with wine and beer bottles!! :)
My hubby and I have had two dates in two years... I don't know if we would know what to do with each other if we had a whole weekend.
Glad you were able to "escape" for a little while. You deserve it.
I so agree with you. It is nice to get out once and a while. In fact, a weekend like that might be needed for us again too.
Nothing like a grown up getaway! Woo Hoo!
How great!
We had an us weekend too!!
Nothing like eating dinner OUT at TEN PM to make you feel like you are living!
I don't have any children yet but I understand what you mean. My sister in-law is the happiest person whenever my husband and I volunteer to babysit her kids (one 6 years old and 3 years old twin...bless her)
YAY, I'm so glad you got a getaway!
I tagged you over on my blog!
lucky you two!! My husband is working crazy hours again - and it sucks arse. He did this for so many years and then had a bit of a reprieve in 2007 and a bit last year - Now I am back to almost 100% doing everything!
Your weekend sounds great!! Gotta get those weekends in when you can!
I missed this one somehow...glad you got a break. Are you two REALLY that gorgeous???
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