If you read my last post, you know about the woes of having thick, curly hair. Now take that hair and imagine it on your arms, legs, and other parts I probably shouldn't mention. The hair on my head requires chemical warfare to battle. What on earth do I do about the rest of my body?
Usually the response would be "wax, shave, Nair, repeat." However, two weeks ago I discovered a hair removal technique I hadn't tried. Enter Smooth Away!

Unlike the Yuko, this product costs 9 bucks and can be found in drug stores. I got mine at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It removes hair by exfoliating the hell out of it. Not painful, just be ready to rub a few layers of skin off.
Here is a shot of my arm. I did the wrist area. It took about 2 minutes of rubbing and came our pretty hairless (not sure if pic will show this).
Note how my arm got a bit red. No, it didn't hurt, but it just left a raw look to the skin. So I would be careful with sensitive areas. I am currently sporting "Hawaiian Punch" face. I would post a pic, but that might ruin some of the romance for HH, who already puts up with my using "baby wipes instead" of real showers and my "i can burp the alphabet" marathons. Sexy, eh?
Anyways, for 9 bucks and a little work, I would say it's worth it. WAY less painful than waxing for most areas. However, don't expect much luck with your bikini line with this one. For your lady parts, you are just going to have to bite the bullet and deal with the giant BAD WORDS that is waxing.
Good luck!
I saw those commercials and wondered if it worked. Sounds like it might be worth it as long as you don't have anywhere to go right away. Unless you are ok sporting that lobster look!
REALY?!!! Are ya kidding me?! Since having turned 30 (some years ago saddly) I've been fighting the battle of the great folical migration.. hair once secure and happy in my scalp area began to take root (litteraly) on my face and ewww on "the girls"!! I do everything!! (well accept the high priced semi-effective lazer stuff).. I was SURE these things didn't work. Now I'm running to Sprawl-Mart (a feat for me considering I know they are the Debbil) and getting these things.. THANKS, I now have hope!!
I always wondered if those worked.
I tried those years ago on my legs and they worked, but I rubbed way too much skin off. It was bad. I don't know if I'm ready to try them again. Bad memories.
that is so cool. I hate shaving I'll have to try these
Hmmm...might have to try it. Second good review I've seen on it!
I was at the Texas State fair and there was a booth for this. The lady tried doing it on my leg, but I had too much lotion :(
Hmm, thanks for the info! I was wondering about this item. I will definitely have to try it now!
This is the second post I've seen about this product this week! I may just have to try it! Maybe I'll wear a snuggie while I use it!
We were just watching the infomercial wondering if it really worked!!!
How is your week looking next week?
I have seen this product and wondered if it REALLY worked. Thank you for doing the leg or should I say arm work for me. ;)
I'm hairy as well (got it from my father's gene). I think I used every possible hair removal out there and my hair for some reason grow the next day! I think that product is only good for people who has fine hair - not like mine - dark and stubborn...but if its that not expensive I'll give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, something on an infomercial really worked? ;)
Hmmm...so how is your skin now? It is hard to believe that it's not painful when it turns your skin so red. I will take your word for it though...may have to give it a try myself...
No rash?
laser hair removal. Expensive but so worth it!
Wow, they were around in the early seventies, called Silky Mitts :)
I have to admit, the title of this post got me to come back a second time! :-)
You know, you should totally do this while wearing a Snuggi. :)
Just tell everyone you've gone to the tanning bed. But seriously...I don't think I have five hours to spend doing my legs. I'll stick with the bic (ha ha I got mad rhyme skillz!)
I wondered if those worked. Thanks for the review! :)
so I found my purse on steelers.com it's great.
hawaiian punch face....lol.
wipee bath.....lol
I will be trying as soon as I see these suckers.
Wow! I'm interested. I used nair once the day before a date and if my sorority sister didn't tell me to ice my face (a tip she got from her mother's plastic surgeon!) I would have had to cancel. I looked like a swollen beet!
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