Monday, August 10, 2009

It's the Climb

What do you think of our toddler landing pad?

HH and I returned late last night from our 5 day trip. A vacation filled with cool breezes, refreshing drinks and warm sand. A trip........(wait for it)..... WITHOUT THE KID. Now I won't go into the details of the loveliness of our time together, but you parents out there understand, even a trip to Walmart without a toddler can be relaxing, and we had pina coladas....

Not too surprising, however, is the fact that I did miss our little man quite a bit. We are best buds and hang out every day, so its a little spooky not to have my shadow around. I knew though, he was in fantastic care with my mom (Grammy Tutu) and Noah was going to love every minute of her visit. (This didn't stop me from calling twice a day just to sing Twinkle Twinkle to him.)

On our flight home I was thinking, "ah, I am so very relaxed, I am ready for whatever the week ahead has in store. I will meet challenges with a calm and cool head (insert not pull my hair and count to ten under my breath). Nothing will frustrate me. I am the ocean. I am serenity." Here it should be mentioned that we were flying over where a hurricane was supposed to land the next day. Foreshadowing much?

After crashing into bed later that night, it seemed like only moments until 4am when violent screams erupted from Noah's room. HH and I went running and the cats high tailed it under the bed. When we got to the room my mom had her hand over her heart and was saying," Thank you God. Thank you. I was worried it had happened again." From the picture above I am sure you can imagine what that "it" is. My newly 19 month old has discovered he can obtain freedom from his baby jail (crib) by hurdling his body over the side.

Now I know I am just one of millions of mommies with this problem, but sheesh, the Mederma for Kids is still drying from his last "discovery." Couldn't I have a few more months?Until then, I will continue to pad the inside of our house with whatever I can find. It has begun to resemble a mental asylum. Crazy person included.

Serenity indeed.


Lesley said...

oh glad I'm not there yet...can't imagine...It gets scary though when you can see the gears turning in their little minds....

jenn said...

Shiloh was two and half when I moved her to a toddler bed, and she still hadn't tried to climb out of her crib. Guess I'm lucky. (She's about to turn three and she still doesn't try to go over the baby gate either.)

Elisabeth said...

Never went through that with Stink.

Glad you had a fanastic trip! We haven't done that yet and are long overdue! Sounds like bliss!

Kristin said...

We have had the same late night discovery here. We are now using a toddler bed which allows him to freely wander around the house all night ( ok not really). Toddler bed = much less sleep for both child and parent. Hope that you find something that works well for you.

A Darling and Delightful Journey said...

Serenity in deed is right! And that is so scary to wake up to the sound of your kid screaming. Isabelle has played that nasty little joke on Jack and I, I get so shaken up, it takes me an hour to fall back to sleep. I am happy the little man is okay though. Good luck with that. Isabelle never did climb out of her baby jail. I think we moved her into the tot bed before she had the desire.

Jen said...

Put a matress on the floor, clear out his room of anything 'dangerou' and lock the door.
Problem solved or at least that is what has worked for us. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!