I kid you not, this is what Noah built today with his blocks. After I finished rubbing my eyes in wonder, I quickly grabbed the camera to document this. Yes, I lined the letters up so you could read them, but the rest was all Noah. I would like to think its his 1/20
th or so Irish in him, wishing to celebrate St. Patty's Day. That or either he's on the fast track to becoming a frat boy.
Either way, it's his first (unintentional) spelled word and mama is proud!
Oh no!!! Okay, maybe the marriage to Chloe is off after all! ;-)
When is game night by the way?
Wow, that's pretty impressive!!
My nephew's first word was "ho". Perhaps we can set up a playdate for the 2 of them to get together. :)
Too funny! I'd be proud too!!!
Sniff sniff...that brings me to tears...it's so sweet! :)
Seriously, your kid is AWESOME!
Party genius!
He is wise beyond his one year.....
Love it! He's a little party animal!
Ahh a baby after my own heart. Just another reason why your child is the coolest kid ever.
Amazingness! Such a little genius party animal!
Brilliant child. I can't wait to spend a week with my nephew this summer so I can corrupt him. Alphabet blocks are a perfect tool for this... Bwahahaha!
That is one talented boy.
LOL! That is awesome!
Hahaha! That's awesome!
Haha. That's great!
where can you download the mensa application?
too funny rachel.
when he is ready, I have a beer waiting. ;) i kid.
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