As some of you know, I have been blessed with a sweet spirited little boy named Noah. And while I frequently complain about the woes of SAHM life, deep down I wouldn't have my world be any different. I love him so fiercely and deeply that the love I have for him has become its own entity. I find my heart filling with joy when I see him smile or hear him giggle. I wish I could put to words the warmness that completes me when his little chubby arms go around my neck for a hug. If you are a parent, I am sure you feel the same way about your babies (no matter how old they are).
Recently I stumbled upon a blog by a mother who writes frequently about the love she has for her babies. She has been blessed with 4, but they never thought the fourth would make it. His name is Stellan and he was diagnosed with heart failure in the womb. At 24 weeks his parents were told he wouldn't make it. After much prayer a miracle happened, his heart healed and Stellan was born full term healthy and happy.
This month that sweet little baby has been having heart trouble again. He's been at a hospital where they have been doing everything they can to save Stellan. He's had tubes and drugs and a host of other things I don't want to think about done to him.

Just looking at that face makes it hard for me to breathe. He reminds me so much of Noah. And I think it could be Noah right now, in that very same situation. I can't even fathom this. It stops the world around me from spinning and I get a little light headed. It makes me want to rush into sleeping Noah's room and hold onto him with all my might.
I am not one who puts much stock into praying, but for this I am shouting out to the universe for something to be done. Please save this sweet baby and give him back to his mama.
Now mamas and papas, go out there and hug your little miracles. They are precious and should be held onto tightly.
Much love to Stellan and his family. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
that was a beautiful post. we are praying for stellan as well.
What a beautiful tribute....I know we are all praying super hard for baby Stellan....I know I hug my precious extra time just for Stellan....
I've started reading her blog too, it is just heartbreaking! That precious little face! I know a lot of us are praying really hard for him and his family!
Nice post!
We've been praying for Stellan since he headed back in to hospital. This picture realy brings it home though huh? Look into those soulfull eyes and just see a person who NEEDS to be in our world!
Kiss Noah, I'll kiss all of mine.. and let's all pray for Stellan.. Phoenix.. Isaha, ALL those sweet little reasons to be, that are struggling out there. Play extra hard with your families this weekend in honor of those who can't!
this is such a sad sad story and truly a mother's worst nightmare. I hope it all works out.
oh, there are no words...
My heart and prayers go out to Stellan and his amazing parents!
thank you for letting us know about Stellan's family's needs. Those eyes are almost too much to handle. It is like he knows what is going on.
An ice pick to the heart! My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
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